Lemons are one of the most nutritious fruits on our planet. The combination of Vitamin C, Citrus Flavonoids, and Electrolytes, give Lemons a superfood status. Lemons are so common/boring, many of us have brushed them aside to make room for more exotic super foods like Goji Berries(which actually have a lot of downsides). Some of the healthiest foods are simple and common. In health and nutrition, simple changes can have huge benefits. When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade, make lemon water. (: Now here are the amazing benefits of consuming lemon juice.

  1. Improves Immune System

    Lemons have Vitamin C which boosts your immune system and acts as an Antioxidant to neutralize harmful free radicals.

  2. Hydration

    Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium found in Lemons improve our cellular hydration.

  3. Skin Health

    The Antioxidant properties of Lemons help lesson the affects of aging. Vitamin C boosts Collagen production, giving you healthier skin.

  4. Digestion

    The phytochemical D-Limonene(found in lemons)has been shown to relieve heartburn and neutralize gastric acid.

  5. Heart Health

    Many studies have shown that a compound called Hesperidin(found in lemons) can improve heart blood vessel health.

  6. Lowers Stress Hormones

    Vitamin C can balance the stress hormone cortisol, allowing for more peace in our lives.

Best Ways/Times to consume Lemon,

  1. Lemon Water

    a. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning to improve hydration and activate the digestive system.

    b. Drink after a meal to relieve heartburn and acid reflux.

  2. Lemon Juice on salad/veggies/white rice/salmon(or whatever you enjoy)

    It helps digestion and absorption of minerals.

  3. Blending unpeeled lemon in smoothies

    The Lemon Peel(with the pith)has a lot of Vitamins/Minerals and prebiotic fiber.

Lemons man, they taste great and they’re good for you. Limes are good too, but Lemons have a lot more Vitamin C. Oranges are great too. Enjoy your Lemons everyone.
